Saturday, August 29, 2009

Season DyFong

Full Name: Season DyFong
Occupation: Princess and General of the DyFong armies
Nationality: Korea
Fighting Style: Tae Kwon Do
Seeks: Revenge, by taking Master's life

Master and his armies stormed the DyFong Dynasty when she was but a small girl with the aid of their local enemies. The combined armies pillaged her land, destroyed the kingdom, and Master himself killed her father in single combat. They finally retreated, stealing their most prized tradition: the Tournament, a yearly championship that depicted their warriors gone before them in sacred honor. Season's blood boils when she learns that their championship has been corrupted by Master into a shallow, vindictive war of hate and betrayal. Her entire life has been in training for this moment.

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
Over 20 years later Season prepares to mesh out the same justice Master served upon her father and return home triumphant with their noble tradition in tow.

Season DyFong's Concepts of War:
1. No man owns me, but only one must earn me.

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