Saturday, August 29, 2009

Script Example


A typical day, a typical scene as the happy bar-going patrons enter. The bar still boasts of its filthy venue but with Tirossh watching over them with a hawk’s eyes the crowds are less than rambunctious. Not a patron rises to his feet or lifts his voice without throwing a look in Tirossh’s direction. With an apron wrapped around his waist Tirossh’s hands are kept busy by constantly wiping down tables and busing glasses. Shadow, donning both his dark hat and black overcoat, has found a quiet corner and is happy to simply remain in the shadows scribbling away in his notebook. His eyes peer from under his hat at the giant wrestler as he huddles against the wall like a vagrant.
A pair of desperate thugs wanders to the door, shove it open, and exit. As they leave, Sho Lin and Isken stumble into the smoky scene, the former being led by the latter. Isken quickly scans for the bar then heads towards it. Steady on his feet, Sho Lin follows behind. Isken walks as if he is drunk already, without having touched a drop of the bar’s wares.
Tirossh takes a look at the two, new troublemakers and he spies Isken. His face suddenly turns white as the blood drains from his face and tears begin to well up in his eyes. He fights to regain his composure with the hopes that no one saw him.
The two pull up to the bar and Isken kicks one of the stools aside. He puts one of his feet up on the stool’s rail and leans against the bar. Shadow’s eyes have already found them and are quietly keeping a steady bead on the pair as he takes long sips from his clear drink.
The Bartender sees Sho Lin and his face breaks into a gentle smile. Sho Lin returns the expression.
DAMEON DREDD: Back again, Sho Lin?
SHO LIN: I must fulfill my mission. Why have you not left?
DAMEON DREDD: Permanent resident. Try getting change of address forms around here.
Lethal pause.
DAMEON DREDD: Never mind. What can I get for you?
Isken shoulders his way in front of Sho Lin to cut him off from any friendly support.
ISKEN DISKULL: Two points, ‘tender.
Isken grabs one of the bags of gold on his belt and shakes it in his direction, letting the gold rattle in its pouch. Smirking, the Bartender saunters away to get a bottle while Isken laughs. Sho Lin, in his own cautious fashion, is looking out of the corner of his eye behind him to his left, away from Isken. As one patron starts to stand up to harass another regular, Tirossh reaches out with one hand and forces him back in his chair without looking. As Sho Lin looks to Tirossh, the Bartender reappears with two glasses and a bottle. Shadow now has finished his drink and starts to slowly make his way to the bar, notebook in tow. The Bartender pours the drinks as Isken’s hand dips towards his poison belt. He starts to pull something from the same pouch he’d used the night before on Master’s guards but changes his mind. Instead he reaches for another pouch. He pulls up one small, white tablet. Isken speaks to the Bartender.
ISKEN DISKULL: Thanks a kindly, good sir.
Grimacing, the Bartender moves away to help Shadow who has approached the bar. Shadow sidles up to the bar close to the pair.
SHADOW: Barkeep, another?
As Sho Lin watches their exchange Isken moves his hand, with the tablet in it, over the top of Sho Lin’s glass. He quickly drops the tablet into the glass. There is a quick, sharp ‘fizz’ as the tablet is diluted into the drink. The tablet does not change the color of the drink and leaves no noticeable trace.
The Bartender gives Shadow another Perrier and Shadow tries to give him some Romanian currency. The Bartender does not accept Shadow's money and shakes his head.
DAMEON DREDD: Keep it. No one here will drink it.
SHADOW: It’s good for you.
DAMEON DREDD: That’s why no one will drink it.
Isken hands the drink to Sho Lin.
ISKEN DISKULL: Here. To Master and his Tournament – the only honorable thing left to his name.
Sho Lin raises his glass.
SHO LIN: May a cutthroat bury a poison tab in his belly.
They both drink and Isken rams his glass down. In another moment he hits the air with a reverberating belch. Those around him, including the bartender, pass him stares of distaste. Shadow tries to disappear into the woodwork from the display.
ISKEN DISKULL: Not bad manners, just good drink!
He wipes his sleeve across his face starts rapping his glass on the counter.
SHO LIN: I must agree.
Isken looks over at Sho Lin, who is licking his lips and looking unaffected by his poisoning.
SHO LIN: A bit tart but not much different than our own.
Isken’s face now turns pale while, thinking that his trick did not work. He turns back to the Bartender, somewhat frantic.
ISKEN DISKULL: How ‘bout another one, good watering sir?
The Bartender leans forward on the counter, smiling. He speaks to Isken but aims his words at Sho Lin.
DAMEON DREDD: Pay first, then choose your… poison.
Isken starts to get mean. He leans across the counter and grabs the Bartender’s coat.
ISKEN DISKULL: Listen, you small, gut-punched rodent, I…
The Bartender clears his throat to interrupt the thief and motions his eyes over Isken’s shoulder. Isken looks over at Tirossh’s monstrous form behind them with fear in his eyes. Isken realizes he is loosing his opportunity but there is little he can do. Isken turns back to the Bartender and reluctantly reaches for his purse.
ISKEN DISKULL: Apologies, old habits die hard. Here ya are.
Isken tosses a handful of gold coins onto the counter. Sho Lin takes a brief moment to spy them and then his eyes open wide. With an incredible move Sho Lin releases a spinning back kick that flies over the top of the bar which forces the Bartender to duck back and catches Isken in the face. Isken flies back, past a startled Tirossh, and crashes into the nearest table. Drinks and patrons scatter. Sho Lin’s eyes do not leave his new prey as he snatches up the coins. The Bartender has stopped reaching for them since the initial attack and pulls his hand back instead. Isken rubs his jaw as if to massage the pride back into it.
ISKEN DISKULL: Fine! Next time, you pay!
Sho Lin holds up the coins.
SHO LIN: It was you who stole our gold and attacked our brothers, you dishonorable dog!
Isken’s face now lights up in a crooked smile of understanding as he slowly starts to stand, wobbling.
Sho Lin: They were only children of eighteen years!
ISKEN DISKULL: Oh, was it now? Friend, loved the security. Wadin’ through those guys was like dippin’ my toes in a cool stream…
Playing on Sho Lin’s emotions, he licks his lips and hums. Sho Lin points to him, enraged.
SHO LIN: Heartless cur! Their honor will be avenged!
Executing an incredible front flip, Sho Lin brings his trail foot down to plow Isken into the floor again. Sho Lin lands, reaches down, and snatches Isken’s gold bag with his clan’s coins from him. He then steps back to regain his footing. Isken rolls away and back, to his feet. His ugly knives now come into play with a metal ‘cling’ as they clear their scabbards. He is hurting but refuses to show it. Isken calls back, mocking him.
ISKEN DISKULL: You disgraced my gerbil’s honor! I must avenge him!
Isken hops in close and executes a series of knife lunges which Sho Lin is able to either dodge or block. The Bartender grabs Tirossh as he moves close to the bar to watch.
DAMEON DREDD: What’re you waiting for? Stop them!
Tirossh looks to him and folds his arms as he continues to watch the fight.
TIROSSH: We’re all in that Tournament. Let them string up each other’s hides. Saves me the trouble.
DAMEON DREDD: And I thought you were the honorable type.
The two warriors shove each other into another table. The patrons continue to scatter but now they have taken up bets and are cheering for their favorite. Shadow watches Tirossh and then scans up to look at the fight then back to Tirossh. He finally jumps off of his barstool and wades through the crowd to the two of them. The Bartender watches Shadow closely as he pushes his way between them to break up their fighting. He blocks a punch from Sho Lin, meant for Isken, then straight-arms each of them in an attempt to keep them apart.
SHADOW: Hey! Stop it! Save it for the ring!
ISKEN DISKULL: Thanks, doc.
Sho Lin points to Isken again as Shadow gives Isken a hard scowl.
SHO LIN: This murdering filth stole our clan’s gold and injured children in his escape's wake.
Sho Lin yells at Isken.
ISKEN DISKULL: Who here cares a tinkering can of spittle?
SHO LIN: Return the gold!
ISKEN DISKULL: Digest an anvil!
Sho Lin tries to jump at him but Shadow holds him back.
SHADOW: Not here, take it outside!
Sho Lin yells at Shadow.
SHO LIN: I must right the wrongs of this soulless man! If you cannot see them it’s best you remain blind.
Sho Lin now punches Shadow in face, successfully dousing his lights out. Shadow is momentarily stunned as his hands fly to cover his face. Another punch in the stomach bends him in half.
ISKEN DISKULL: You make a great body-target, doc…
Sho Lin now flies over Shadow with a nasty spin kick, smashing Isken, again, to the floor. Shadow’s face, pained and ugly, now looks up at the downed thief.
SHADOW: Don’t… call… me… Doctor!
Sho Lin has pulled Isken to his feet and is strangling him in a suppression hold. Shadow rights himself, shrugs off his black trench coat, and strides to Isken. With one uppercut, Shadow frees Isken of Sho Lin’s hold and tosses him back into the crowd. Shadow throws a second punch with his other hand at Sho Lin, who successfully dodges it. The punch lands squarely on one of the bar patrons, who falls back. A nearby friend immediately jumps on Shadow to deliver fair repercussions. Sho Lin and Isken are also piled on by the bar patrons. Tirossh now uncrosses his arms.
TIROSSH: Hmmm… four to each man, now that’s not fair odds.
Stepping into the crowd and walking through the mess of men towards the original disputers, Tirossh yanks the regulars and tosses them to the far corners. Some he tosses into the really far corners. He reaches Sho Lin who has Shadow pinned and is beating the daylights out of him. Isken is behind Sho Lin, and preparing, with his knives, to attack from behind. Tirossh yanks Sho Lin off and throws him to his feet across from himself, then rights Shadow, so that the four of them are faced off from each other. Tirossh now cracks his knuckles, giving each one a look in turn. The regular patrons start to back up: they’ve seen what Tirossh can do. Tirossh’s eyes still flinch subtly as he gazes on Isken.
TIROSSH: Now, what’ll it be? Two on two, or tag team?


Isken, knives in hand, bounces nervously, eyeing the others. Shadow watches each one in turn, his stance loose. Sho Lin is prepared, tight, to attack like lightening. Tirossh stands like a rock: immovable.
Isken attacks Tirossh first, lunging with one knife forward and the other trailing. He doesn’t reach him as Shadow snap kick’s his leading knife hand and throwing his aim off. Tirossh swipes a fist directly into Isken’s face that tosses him towards Sho Lin. Sho Lin flips over a sprawling Isken and attempts to punch/strike Shadow.
Not to be outdone, Shadow grabs his attacking hand and pulls him into himself. He rolls back, dragging Sho Lin out of the air with him, and plants his feet against his chest. He continues to roll, firmly crushing his head into the hard, wooden floor.
Isken is back on his feet and sees Shadow down. He moves to slice the archaeologist and is met by Tirossh standing over him. Refusing to be intimidated, Isken strikes at Shadow with a one-two feint/lunge. Tirossh is not taken in by his trickery and is able to block the blow by stepping over Shadow. His leg stops Isken’s attack by stopping his wrist. The knife barely missing both Shadow and Tirossh’s leg. Isken then looks into Tirossh’s eyes as the larger man grabs him. Tirossh easily hoists the thief straight up into the air and crosses his wrists, which spins him upside down. Tirossh then uses his strength and gravity to do his best to shatter the nasty man’s skull as he brings him straight down. Tirossh finishes stepping over Isken and hovers over him, allowing both Shadow and Sho Lin to roll back up.
This time Shadow rushes at Sho Lin and feints/ducks. Sho Lin snaps a front kick at Shadow but he uses his feint and turns it into a block. He blocks, ducks, then rolls around the quick attacker. Sho Lin finishes his kick and spins to face Shadow’s rushing balled up fist. Sho Lin staggers back one step, then collapses.
Isken slowly recovers from his intense beating and looks up at Tirossh.
ISKEN DISKULL: There are a few only who know that block. How do you?
Tirossh reaches down to grab him again and for the first time we see burned marks on the top of each of Tirossh's hands. Tirossh steps on his knives and we see the engraved carvings on the handle’s ends of Isken's knives. Tirossh's burned hand marks and Isken's engraved carvings are the same. Isken does not see them.
TIROSSH: It’s a small world. For you, it’s about to get smaller.
Tirossh hoists him up again, leaving his knives on the ground. He holds him up by his face. Isken tries to pry his hands free, to no avail. He then punches him in the chest and then the face but it has no effect. Holding him up with one hand, Tirossh reaches back to punch him. Suddenly, there is a type of realization in Isken’s eyes as they focus on Tirossh’s features. Isken whispers out loud.
Now, it is Tirossh’s countenance that fades. For a moment he holds Isken in his one hand, as the other stares back at him.
Suddenly, Isken kicks Tirossh in the stomach and Tirossh drops him. Behind them, Sho Lin and Shadow are still attempting to outdo each other. Isken quickly snatches up the knives and scampers out the door as Tirossh gazes longingly after them.

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