Saturday, August 29, 2009


Full Name: UNKNOWN
Occupation: Tribal Healer
Nationality: South Africa
Fighting Style: Tai Chi
Seeks: The cure to the disease Master's men afflicted on his people.

A healer of many varieties Asho contains the unique ability to revert an opponent's attack back upon themselves without moving. Many an attacker have unwittingly, and literally, beaten themselves to the ground without ever understanding the small man's power.
Master's Ki-Char soldiers enslaved his village's peaceful people, forcing them to gather the strange, local Yuttash fear leaves for Master's magical arsenals. The Yuttash leaf's pollen, when inhaled, drives maddening fear-driven images into the victim's mind but Asho's villagers are immune. Through Asho's peaceful teachings, they are willing to comply until one day they begin to fall victim to a sickening disease that, despite Asho's impressive healing abilities, he is unable to treat.

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
Enter the valley of the Ki-Char, force Master to him with a cure, and determine whether or not the infection was a deliberate attack.

Asho's Policy of Peace:
1. Peace, not power, wins wars.
2. Peace is power.
3. The gentle breeze can sway the reed, but the tempered storm cannot uproot it.
4. The cure is more important than the cause.
5. In the face of adversity the first power one must employ is patience.

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