Monday, September 7, 2009

The First Tournament-Valley of Evil Trailer Poster

The First Tournament-Valley of Evil Trailer

Video disclaimer:
I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE MOVIES, TELEVISION SERIES, TRAILERS, SOUNDTRACKS, or DOCUMENTARIES PORTRAYED IN THE TRAILER. This is simply an example of how the screenplay might be depicted. Feel free to contact me if you are interested.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Photo Gallery-Cast of 1T characters


Full Name: Shadriche Owue
Occupation: Archaeologist
Nationality: Half American-half French
Fighting Style: Aikido/Hapkido
Seeks: Glory, by retrieving Master's half of "The Tablet of Shadows."

Previously held a doctorate in archaeology until he was publicly ridiculed and discredited by his former supervisor and rival. Intending to rejoin the public eye only when he regains the proof to clear his name he searches the various lands with his assistant Nikki Henderson for valuable, lost relics.

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
He is trying to locate the missing half to an ancient Ki-Da artifact titled, "The Tablet of Shadows," which is fabled to render it's owner special powers. One of the powers rumored is the art of invisibility.

Shadow's Rules of Survival continued:
11: The benefit of invisibility is only as good as the type of light that's behind you.


Full Name: Tirossh LAST NAME UNKNOWN
Occupation: Pit Fighter
Nationality: ORIGINS UNKNOWN, first seen in Turkey
Fighting Style: Pit Wrestler
Seeks: Pride, by striping Master of his title

Survivor of a rough, imprisoned, barbaric life that claimed his childhood village, Tirossh was rescued from the unfamiliar, modern streets of Istanbul by a kindly street hustler who recognized his rare and unbridled talents. After conquering the underground world of pit-fighter sports Tirossh now wonders if this is all he was meant to do or there was some purpose to his suffering.

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
Wanting to find some purpose in his war-torn life Tirossh travels to Romania to prove, once and for all, that he is the greatest fighter in the entire world.

Tirossh's Rules of the Ring:
1. This world only rewards the strong, so be the strongest you can.
2. Pride is a pillar designed to collapse from within.
3. Any man can win but a true champion conquers.
4. A true champion passes from history into legend.

Isken Diskull

Full Name: Isken Diskull
Occupation: Mercenary Thief
Nationality: Russian
Fighting Style: Weapons, paired knives
Seeks: Fortune, by stealing Master's treasure

A thief with more experience than luck, he was mysteriously hired by Master's protege Tyrant to act as a distraction during the Ki-Char's most recent attack on the Ki-Da's secret vault, intending to gain their rival's piece to the famed "Tablet of Shadows." Just as the Ki-Char failed to obtain the lost item the Ki-Da failed to hold Isken prisoner. Fleeing for his life yet once again, he accidentally stumbles across his true employers unknowingly, only for them to discover that he carries something more upon his person than just plain gold...

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
To escape with as much gold and skin upon his toughened back as his meager, fate-filled life will allow.

Isken's Economics of a Thief
1. A back stabbed equals a hide saved and a purse filled.
2. The only wages loyalty ever earned was betrayal.
3. Any prison, including commitment, is too small.
4. Escaping is the same as stealing; you're just stealing yourself.
5. A cool head is necessary for any job-along with grease paint, hacksaw, lockpicks, grappling hook with line, and backup weapons.

Amanda Jane

Full Name: Amanda Jane Kaal
Occupation: Competition Gymnast
Nationality: American
Fighting Style: Modified Gymnastics
Seeks: Fame, by gaining Master's Ki-Char clan for her own

Raised on a Secret Service military base Amanda Jane is the prized doll among an army of trained soldiers. Talented, innocent, and fun-loving by nature she is respected by all who know her; so much, in fact, that she is not entitled to compete in her heart's dream, the Olympics. Despite all her international, award-winning trophies she is considered too valuable a prize, considering the demise of her master-spy father in her early youth. Trapped on the base she is imprisoned in a vale of watching, loving eyes.

Purpose of entering The Tournament:
When offered an unsuspecting chance to finally prove what she can truly do she enters the Tournament without the knowledge of her military protocol, hoping to win the hearts of those whom have never known her.

Amanda Jane's Competition Mentality:
1. Innocence, not naitvity, is power.
2. In a world of demanding men, it is harder to remain innocent than experienced.